10 Portable, Easy, Real Beach Foods

Nothing says summer like the beach. I’ve only lived close enough to walk to the beach for two years, but the Navy may need to drag me away–kicking and screaming–if and when the time comes.  The beach conjures up fun childhood memories and it continues to be my happy place making new memories with my family. Stress seems to ebb a little more after each breaking wave. Sibling sisters even seem to invoke an unspoken truce. It’s downright magical…once you get there. But that hour-plus of prep to get out the door to the beach with kids is brutal, am I right?

Swimsuits on. Sunscreen applied. Shoes found (and donned). Cooler packed. Towels in hand. Chairs in tow. It can feel like you are hauling half your house with you! (And then there’s the hour of messy, uncontainable, sandy clean up that ensues after you return home…but that’s hours later; let’s not think about that now or we will never again leave the comfort of our A/C.)

If you’re like me, by the time you finally get settled in the sand, someone’s hungry. If I’m honest, it might be a sign we’ve brought too much?! But swimming also seems to make my kids ravenous. So–for the love of the beach and all that is peaceful–you can’t cut back on the food you bring! You must bring enough to stay through a meal (or two) to make all the work worthwhile.

Because we’re lucky enough to hit the beach once a week rather than once a year, my family can’t afford to eat junk each time we go. I’m sure no one needs help choosing the typical, portable, convenient foods (i.e., sandwiches, chips of any kind). We eat those sometimes. But even for an RD, it takes forethought and extra effort to come up with easy, real food options that are wholesome and easily portable. It’s a little more limiting when you try to make them lower carb and/or gluten free, if needed, as well. And then you have to also consider how to avoid a sandy mess in general, and whether you will need plates and utensils (neither is preferable) or any napkins (that may inadvertently blow away…after all, nature’s sink is at your disposal anyway). These are a lot of criteria for a meal!

That’s why I’ve gathered some of my favorite portable, easy, real food recipes to turn your beach (or boating) adventure into a nutritious and delicious meal away from home. I’ve also enlisted the help of some RD bloggers who have shared a few of their best portable foods. Simply click on the photos for the links to the recipes.

As I like to say, the number one way to eat mindfully is to plan ahead what you will eat. The same is true at the beach–a little planning goes a long way and I feel it’s time worth spent. I make double batches of some of my recipes below for a meal or snack at home and bring the leftovers to the beach. Some items, like the chicken or artichoke quiche bites, you can even freeze for another time. I also love getting my kids to help me with the easy food prep, such as cutting up fruits and veggies, which frees up some of my time (to sometimes make my favorite refreshing beach drink, Mojitos My Way, or ginger Kombucha mixed with vodka, seltzer and a lemon wedge. Ahhh.)

We can’t always bring our “A” game to the beach. We are going there to relax, after all. But even if all the food you bring to the beach can’t be homemade real food, try packing just one or two of these real-food options in your cooler next time to step up your beach food game. And then also refer to “Plan B” below for some store-bought real foods to round out your beach meals and snacks.

And no matter what, don’t forget to enjoy the serenity of the sea while it lasts or until you run out of food, whichever comes first!

Your “A” Game: Easy, Real Foods for the Beach

Classic Deviled Eggs Served with Baby Dill Pickles






Spiced, Roasted Chick Peas: 5 Ways


Contributed by Amy Gorin, RD




Roasted Eggplant Hummus Served with Sliced Bell Peppers and Carrots


Contributed by Katie Cavuto, RD



Skewered Caprese Salad
Seven-Layer Dip (Half Recipe) Served with Organic Corn Chips
Oven-Baked Chicken Wings (Gluten Free)
Spicy Meat and Potato Patties Wrapped in Lettuce


Contributed by Roxana Begum, PhD, RD



Artichoke Quiche Bites with Sweet Potato Crust
Sliced Fresh Melon Wrapped with Prosciutto, if desired. (No recipe)
Chewy, No Bake Granola Bars


Contributed by Maria Westburg Adams, MS, MPH, RD

Plan B: Easier Store-Bought Real Food for the Beach

Sometimes there’s no time to fix homemade foods before heading to the beach. Or maybe you just need a break from cooking. If time is short, don’t let that stop you from reaching for real foods at the beach. Try these easy store-bought options:

  • Veggie trays
  • Fruit trays
  • Fresh fruit (grapes and cherries require little prep)
  • Hummus and baby carrots
  • Sliced cheese (Cheddar, Brie, etc.) and apple slices (gala don’t brown as quickly)
  • Olives (they come in ready-to-eat pouches or single-serve packages)
  • Nuts
  • Nuts and Dark Chocolate (Trader Joe’s has single packs)

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